Archived Writings
November 2001


Hope is a great falsifier -- Baltasar Gracian

The long and the short of it

Russia's involvement in world terrorism
and the Czech connection

By Honza Malina


    In the beginning of the year 2001, the Czech newspaper Necensurovane noviny (Uncensored News) and its editor and owner, Petr Cibulka, wrote a piece about Russia and its involvement in the so-called "democratic" movement in the Communist  Bloc. This is very important testimony from a man who spent several years in communist prisons and single-handily took the president of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Havel, to court in 1993 for his negative involvement in the tragic and deceptive 1989 events.

    "Vladimir Putin joined the KGB when 17 years old ," writes Cibulka, "and also his father spent time as an elite special forces member on one of the best Russian submarines."  As Cibulka states, the elder Putin was "a member of the cutthroats team of the elite Russian Navy."

    Putin himself was expelled from West Germany's capital of Bonn in the 70's as a Russian spy and moved to communist East Germany where he worked very well for the KGB and advanced his career.  

    "Putin, with his team, contacted most of the now Czech Republic high government officials toward the end of the 80's and on East Germany soil where it was not difficult to travel for anybody from the Communist Bloc," writes Cibulka.

    It is believed that Putin played a major role in the so-called democratic movements all over East and Central Europe and in the most ( for Russia) strategic country of them all -- Czechoslovakia. Putin and his team helped to install false dissent in Czechoslovakia just to make everyone believe that everything was becoming "democratic."  But it wasn't.  

    KGB involvement in the Czechoslovakia's freedom movement in 1989 and before was simple and very effective. The KGB built its own false anti-communist opposition. The Russian Army (at the time still occupying Czechoslovakia) brought the muscle.  Intelligence agents came in from the KGB and credibility was arranged by Vaclav Havel, a prominent figure sitting in jail, now president of Czech Republic. But Havel's secret cooperation with STB (Czech KGB) is very well documented and his membership in the Czech Communists Party is one of many well guarded secrets the STB is protecting.

    And the reason for all this is very simple:  to block any kind of potential freedom movement that would bring real changes to the country and helped real freedom to succeed. The Czech Republic's constitution was not changed by the people, but by a communist parliament and a communist secret agent -- Havel -- who signed it into law.  The truth is, nobody has had a chance to question this new constitution, or God forbid change it. There's no legislative referendum or initiatives allowed in Czech republic and the regime of Vaclav Havel is certainly not in a hurry to implement them at all. Maybe coincidence? 

    Petr Cibulka and his conservative political party Right Block wants to implement something unthinkable in the former communist country.  He wants the U.S. constitution and U.S. laws. And that's why Putin and the GRU/KGB are playing their cards to stop Petr Cibulka.  

    There is total informational blockade in the Czech Republic.  The media are in the hands of former communists so nobody, and certainly not Petr Cibulka, has a chance to publish or be published in the national newspapers and to be seen and heard on national TV.

    To better understand what really happened in Czechoslovakia after the Velvet Revolution in 1989, we have to look who controls the economic power.  Is it in state hands, private hands, or in the hands of secret communist agents?

    The privatization of the economy happened so fast that nobody had a chance to question it in 1989 and the early 90s. "Privatization in Czechoslovakia was, from the beginning, in the hands of the KGB and the communists and the Czech Department of Treasury, who transfered state funds into the hands (again) of communists in the government," writes Cibulka.

    This allowed the communists to direct and own all the financial services, banks and public trust funds; and when the right time came the funds would be "transferred" to secret bank accounts in Switzerland so that no investigation could ever discover the truth.

    The result of all of this criminal behavior within the Czech Government is that taxpayers in Czech republic lose their hard-earned wealth to the same old communist crowd as before. Because of this scheme, Vladimir Putin and the KGB have the funds they need to finance global terrorism, and to direct all the other "former" satellite countries to do the same.

    Just two days after the September 11th terrorist attacks the Czech government sold weapons to Yemen; and as a NATO member country the Czech Republic kept doing business through "private" entities with the Taliban in Afghanistan.

   A very important piece of information came from a Fox News Channel report that the Russian spy and former FBI special agent Robert Hannsen sold the sophisticated secret software called Promis to the Russian KGB and the Russians sold it to Osama Bin Laden. And as we remember the tragedy in Lockerbie, Scotland, most people do not know that it was the Czechoslovak explosive Semtex that brought the Pan Am flight down.

    Muomar Kadafy and Arafat were very frequent guests of the Czechoslovak communist government in the 70s and 80s, and we can only imagine what was happening behind closed doors. Arms sale were just flourishing in those infamous years between Czechoslovakia and Libya and PLO.

    Russia did not fall behind at all in this pro-terrorist campaign and helped Iraq's Suddam Hussein to build all his secret bunkers and produce all the biological weapons, including the anthrax that is now being sent through the U.S. mail. 

    And now President Bush is doing something not even Russian communists would think of doing.  Oddly, he expects Russia and communist China to comply with what they promised to do; namely, to help bring down the world's terrorists and to make planet Earth safe.  (Is that laughing we hear from the East?)

    Helping America fight terrorism is quite the opposite of what they had in mind all those years they were setting up the terrorists, supplying and supporting them.  The idea was that one day the U.S. would be knocked to its knees through terror strikes.  And now they are playing one card after another. 

    And the Czech Republic has been a major player in all of this. 


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