Site Commentary
By Richard Roberts
4 November 2005



Lifting a rock...

...only to drop it on your foot.


©Richard Roberts 10/24/05

Now that Iraq has ratified a constitution despite the Democrats’ claim that we never should have deposed Saddam because now we are “less safe,” a crucial question arises. Are the Democrats in Congress and the media giving aid and comfort to Islamofascism in order to make Bush look bad to enable Hillary’s election, or are they Socialists and Communists at heart, enabling terrorism in order to destroy capitalism and create a new “Amerika” subject to rule by a U.N.-type world government dominated by China and Russia? The actions of the latter kind of Democrat fit neatly into the Baran-Wallerstein strategy which calls for the subterfuge of using Islamofascism against America by arming the terrorists, protesting any retaliation through bogus “peace” demonstrations, and enabling terrorist networks to grow by means of a web of treaties between Communist countries, and terrorist nations such as Iran, Syria, North Korea, and Cuba and Venezuela; so that should the U.S. decide to take preemptive action against a particular terrorist nation, we would be facing a Third World War.

Understanding the Baran-Wallerstein strategy begins with but two points: (1) Communists here and abroad have not forsaken global revolution. Trade with China has not liberalized that nation, nor has Russia changed, particularly with a KGB man as its President. (2) Whereas Communists died worldwide trying to take over countries in the last century, Communists now empower jihadists to die in the cause of destroying America, without risking a single soldier of their own. 

In the 1960s Cleon Skousen’s book The Naked Communist spelled out the planned Communist bloodless revolution for America; in part, get control of the media, education, and at least one political party. This has already occurred, and one can only cite exceptions to this rule.

In proving my thesis that the Democrats have embraced Communist ideas, and (some of them) the Baran-Wallerstein strategy to destroy America, I shall only cite historic facts, the actual words of “the usual suspects,” and the specific treaties that are now being utilized to implement the strategy to destroy America. This B-W secret tactic is not my opinion but a demonstrable part of the Great Game of world politics.

Let’s begin by exposing the Communist fronts running the “peace” movement. Quoting the 45 Communist goals uncovered by the FBI, and read into the Congressional Record on Jan. 10, 1963, Skousen writes, “20. Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy making decisions. 21. Gain control of key positions in radio, TV, and motion pictures.” Now, let us reason together. If the majority of newspapers and the rest of the media are not controlled by fellow-travelers, why have they kept a lid on the Leftist allegiances of the participants in the “peace” demonstrations, and the long Communist history of the sponsoring organizations? Indeed, these organizations are not anti-war but anti-American.

Whether reading one’s own local paper or a national, one gets the impression that the “Letters to the Editor” contain information on both sides of any issue. This may be the case in regard to some minor local issues, but when it comes to the danger to America from Leftists here and abroad, a lid is clapped down on any information that might expose the media’s template of liberal bias on issues of national importance. Of course, no one can doubt that, as Limbaugh says, the media behaves like a third political party in the interests of destroying the Bush presidency and getting Democrats elected. I went even further in media condemnation when I called them “not the Fourth Estate but a Fifth Column undermining our democracy by manipulating the public like puppets on a string.” 

In most cases, one has to go to a blog to find the truth, and I am considering terminating my newsletter for a blog sometime in the future, in the interest of making my insights available to more people. Here are a few examples of where my letters to the editor touch the “third rail” of subjects that jeopardize the media’s national agenda. When I resided in the San Francisco Bay Area, the San Francisco Chronicle was always a dead end when info was conveyed in a letter that might get the paper’s readers thinking in a new direction other than the pc way the editors wanted them to think. For example, the day after 9/11, there was speculation as to whether the source of the terror was local nut cases or foreign powers, or who? Nobody knew. On September 13, 2001, I sent the following article to the Forum editor of the San Francisco Chronicle identifying the organization of terrorists I thought responsible for the 9/11 attack with the acknowledgment that bin Laden funds and implements their terrorism.  Herewith some excerpts:  

On September 11, 1922, the British declared a mandate in Palestine and a part of that land was used to create what became the state of Israel. On 9/6/70, the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked Swissair and TWA planes, diverting them to Dawson Field, some thirty miles from Amman, Jordan. Demands were made for the release of terrorist prisoners with the passengers being held as hostages. As negotiations went back and forth, the PFLP gave a deadline of September 11 for blowing up the planes. Their demands were met, terrorists were released, and the planes blown up without the hostages on September 12. 

In September 1971, the PLO met in Damascus to set future policy, and out of that meeting came a splinter group of the most radical killers, uncontrollable even by Arafat, known as 'Black September.' In November 1971, in Cairo, Black September shot the Jordanian Prime Minister Wash Tel, and as he lay in a pool of blood, one of the assassins bent down and lapped up some of his blood, while shouting to astounded bystanders that he and his henchmen were 'Black September'!  Tel was in Cairo for an Arab League meeting, but thus did Black September declare to the world and Arabs in particular that murder and not negotiation would be their 'solution' to the Palestinian Question. In September 1972, fifty years to the month of the declaration of the British Mandate in Palestine, Black September murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics. 

            Now to comprehend what we are facing, we need to realize why bin Laden referred to Arabia as “the holiest” of Islam’s territories. In 1703, Ibn Abdul Wahhab was born in the Nejd region of Arabia. Not even the 'Thuggees' of India, who practiced religious murder for Kali, were as bloodthirsty as Wahhab’s followers, known as Wahhabis. Quite simply, they murdered anyone—even Arabs—who did not practice this most severe of doctrines. In 1801, Wahhabis slaughtered all the citizens of Qarbula. And in the 19th century, Ibn Saud, founder of the 'Saudi' line that rules Arabia to this day, installed Wahhabism as the official religion. Osama bin Laden comes from a wealthy Saudi Wahhabi family, as does the ruling royal family. This religious affiliation of Islamic extremists is what lies behind the Saudi refusal to permit U.S. use of Saudi airfields in the search for bin Laden. These bases were built by American dollars and manpower and were crucial in rousting Saddam from Kuwait. Prince Sultan Abdul Aziz, the defense minister, said in the Okaz daily, “We do not accept the presence in our country of a single soldier at war with Muslims or Arabs.”

            Now whereas most Muslims are not Wahhabis, they are in the majority in Pakistan, and of the ten million Muslim population in the U.S., it is estimated that some seven million are directed by Wahhabi imams; thus, seven million potential terrorists residing in the U.S.

            Doves in America sincerely believe that once we “understand” the causes of terrorism, say enough mea culpas, provide enough foreign aid, and end our support of Israel, that the terrorism will cease. They could not be more wrong.  Stalin referred to those in the international peace movement as 'useful fools,' because they could be counted on to protest against a military response to armed aggression ('violence begets violence'); so in reality they served his and Mao’s cause of world domination. 

            Doves will be killed along with Buddhists, Christians, Jews, Marxists and capitalists, libertarians, Democrats and Republicans, simply because they are infidels.

Before sending the article, I had on the phone the woman Forum editor, who was very enthusiastic about publishing the article when I told her about the historical paralells to 9/11, particularly that on 9/11/22, Palestine was created, and that fifty years later, Black September murdered 11 Israeli athletes at the Munich Olympics.

The next day, after she had received the article, I called her and she was appalled. “All that stuff about lapping up blood! I can’t verify what you said!” 

“Of course, you can,” I said.  “These are all historical facts available on the Net.” 

“Well, we’re going to publish an article from a founder of Greenpeace, who believes that we should not retaliate in anger, but try to find the causes of the grievances of the people who attacked us.”

I replied, “The ‘grievance’ is that we are not Wahhabbi Muslims. The evidence is in the article. This attack was a wake-up call to America.” 

“Well, your article is much too extreme for us to publish,” she concluded. The Chronicle’s  response proves the rule that “PC kills,” for the no retaliation response was what Bill Clinton gave us, and it only emboldened the terrorists. 

Once I had moved to a red state in the U.S., I figured that my local paper there might publish some of my attempts to correct their factual errors, but the 2004 election was coming up, and the editors didn’t want to hear anything that contradicted the agenda to thwart the reelection of Bush. For example, when the national media blamed Bush for “HDX explosives missing in Iraq,” I sent a letter with evidence that the explosives had been removed before American troops got there. When the hue and cry went up about missing WMDs, I sent the paper the report about convoys of trucks viewed by our satellites moving out of Iraq into Syria just before the invasion. None of this saw the light of day at the paper.

Then when CBS and Dan Rather decided to go the extra mile to influence the election by creating a bogus letter about Bush’s military service, it was discovered that the incriminating letter was a fabrication written on a modern pc. But the crucial question, the source, the actual words of the fabrication, became a mystery CBS wouldn’t touch.  However, I found the source and the actual words of the letter at Was the local paper interested? Not at all, because they had endorsed Kerry for President.

Next came as a national issue the “outing” of CIA agent Valerie Plame as a supposed payback for Joe Wilson, her hubby, contradicting the notion that Saddam was interested in purchasing Niger’s yellowcake uranium, which British intelligence had told the W/H. The media hoped Rove would be fired and Bush impeached for jeopardizing national security. When I sent the paper the actual statute, which said a covert agent could only be outed if he or she had been covert abroad in the past five years, and that Plame had a desk job at Langley, which was well known in Washington society circles, the paper simply didn’t want that known to its readers. Why? Because the national media was perpetrating a hoax on the public in order to again try to damage the Bush presidency.

Then came the media-created Cindy Sheehan phenomenon, the pathetic, grieving mother camped in a ditch in Crawford, simply asking for a few minutes of cold-hearted Bush’s warmongering time. By now, the media’s template on the war had become precisely what the Democrats wanted, without the Democrats having to pay for ads to get across their message:  “Bush lied; our troops died. Iraq was a quagmire.”

Richard Roberts is the author of nine books.

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