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What We Think DVD Cover

Conversations with the College Generation

Price: $14.99

Availability: Coming soon

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Length: 56:43
Format: DVD-R
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The documentary What We Think provides a unique opportunity to find out what college age adults really think. In a series of rigorous interviews, six highly thoughtful and articulate young people give voice to an entire generation, discussing such diverse topics as the objectivity of morality, the meaning of life, religion, abortion, student cheating, women in combat, the death penalty, gay rights, the existence of the devil, racism, and democracy. What We Think was conceived to reveal the moral and intellectual revolution that has taken place in our society. The changes have been so gradual that many of us don't realize that we live in a society very different from that of our grandparents.' People have changed. Institutions have changed. Entertainment, education and public morality have changed. What We Think shows how today's ideas for living life are mostly tentative, experimental and temporary. The eternal verities that held sway over Western Civilization for over two millenia now belong to an isolated minority. Each individual is now left to find his own way in a wilderness of competing ideas. Society is no longer held together by previously shared values or ideas.

In 1885 Friedrich Nietzsche,realizing that this revolution had begun, wrote: "Nihilism stands at the door: whence comes this uncanniest of all guests?" Nietzsche said that the advent of modern nihilism was due to the passing of Christianity, the gradual unraveling of faith. He thought that morality would decline as Christianity declined. Those who view this video will have to decide for themselves whether Nietzsche was right.

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