The Dolejsi Analysis
Background Information


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Translator’s Biography of Mirolsav Dolejsi

  Miroslav Dolejsi was born in Velke Potocno near the city of Kladno, Czechoslovakia, on 20 November 1931. He died 26 June 2001. Dolejsi opposed communist rule in Czechoslovakia. He was expelled from school for anti-communist activities in 1951. He was arrested and sentenced in 1952 to a 23-year prison term for high treason and espionage against the communist state. Released from prison during the general amnesty of May 1960, Dolejsi was arrested again in 1976 and sentenced to 11 years for conspiracy to commit espionage, harming the state, damaging its economy and revealing state secrets. He was sentenced to the third level (the worst) of a state re-education prison facility in 1977 and was released for serious health problems in 1986. As a former political prisoner, Dolejsi worked in 1990 as an advisor to Czechoslovak Interior Minister Richard Sacher. As a publicly known political prisoner in the communist system, Dolejsi was allowed to work in the Interior Ministry of the new post-communist regime, but he quickly discovered that his token presence within the Czech Interior Ministry was part of an elaborate deception.

Dolejsi was skeptical of the new regime and used his access to information within the Interior Ministry to conduct a private study that would ultimately cost him his job. Due to information uncovered by Dolsejsi, Interior Minister Richard Sacher was seriously embarrassed and subsequently replaced by Jan Ruml. After Dolejsi’s analysis was published in a small newspaper, Dolejsi was denounced for questioning the collapse of communism in Czechoslovakia. Michael Zantovsky, alongside other high-level government officials, wanted Dolejsi charged with slander (which is punishable under Czech law by up to three years in prison). An official named Rudolf Hegenbart filed a lawsuit against Dolejsi for writing his analysis. Dolejsi was acquitted and his analysis was upheld against Hegenbart and the secret communist structures seeking to suppress his findings. Afterwards the communists decided that direct attacks on Dolejsi’s credibility were unprofitable. Such attacks merely gave publicity to the idea that the changes in the communist bloc were equivocal or deceptive. So the attacks on Dolejsi stopped.

Miroslav Dolejsi’s analysis, presented below, questions what has been widely accepted as a genuine change away from communism in Eastern Europe. Dolejsi presents a body of evidence and analysis showing that the hidden machinery of the communist state, through the use of deceptive tactics, maintains control of Czechoslovakia. 

As a Christian (Catholic), Miroslav Dolejsi worked against the communist regime and served 18 and-a-half years in communist prisons. He allegedly helped the French intelligence service to gather valuable information on communist operations in Czechoslovakia.

History will judge the heroic stand of Miroslav Dolejsi, as it will judge those who stood by and did nothing, remaining silent before the great evil of our time. Dolejsi fought tirelessly against the communist regime and its lies. He paid a heavy price. May God rest his soul in Heaven. 

HONZA MALINA, April 2004.


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